Monday 13 January 2014

What is the purpose and consequence of breast lift?

Women consider their breasts to play an important part in their exterior and looks. With the aging and some other factors like pregnancy and weight loss your breast muscles become weak. It results in drooping and sagging. Through breast lift you can get rid of this problem. Besides this you can also apply it with breast augmentation procedure.

Procedure of breast lift is out of harm's way if it is performed appropriately. This way complication is not common.

You can be a fine applicant for breast lift in Dubai if:
  •          Your breasts are sagging and drooping.
  •          Your breasts don’t have fullness.
  •          You have inherited difference in size of your breasts.

Procedure of breast lift surgery:

  •          Anesthesia is given.
  •          Incisions are made around the areola.
  •          Tissues are removed and nipple is repositioned to higher position.
  •          Incisions are made close with the help of stitches.
  •          Breast lift surgery takes about two to three hours according to the way used.

Positive aspects of breast lift surgery:

  •       Corrects the drooping breasts in faster way.
  •       Improves the shape and volume of breasts.
  •       Brings you back to your attractive and nice-looking appearance.
  •       As a result you will have positive change in your life through increase in confidence and self esteem.
Negative aspects of breast lift surgery:

  •         You can have infection caused by breast lift surgery.
  •          Anesthesia can be reactive to you.
  •          Dark and prominent scars can be the result of breast lift surgery.
  •          Your breasts can become uneven.
  •          Conditions like aging, pregnancy and weight loss can make breasts to droop again.

What are the precautions for breast lift surgery?

  •      You will have to wear compression garment for three to four weeks.
  •       You will have to stop heavy activities for some period of time after surgery.
  •       You will have to avoid wetness.
  •        Rest is necessary to avoid discomfort and pain.
  •        You will have medications for conditions like nausea etc.
Breast lift surgery is a critical process and you can go through it without any hesitation with the help of breast lift in Dubai.